Gum Problems Affecting Your Smile?

Choosing The Right Dentist To Reverse Gum Issues

You may not realize the importance of gum tissues until you experience problems that affect your function or self-esteem. Issues like tongue-tie, a “gummy” smile, or gum disease can all make it difficult to live a healthy and confident life. At Radiant Exceptional Dentistry, our dentist has experience treating all these soft tissue concerns, in Bryan–College Station, TX. Drs, Reece and Jouett have completed years of focused education and training after dental school in diagnosing, treating, and preventing problems related to the gums. This experience also includes specialized bone and tissue grafting and dental implants. Our team has the expertise to efficiently and effectively treat your gum tissues with personalized and targeted treatment.

Healthy Gums, Healthy Smile,
Why It Is Beneficial

Restored self-confidence
Reduced risk of cavities and disease
Better smile esthetics
Minimized gum recession
Fresher breath
Improved chewing and swallowing
Better enunciation and speech

Treating Your Gums Via Gingivectomy

A gingivectomy is the surgical removal of the gum tissue around teeth. This is often completed when a person suffers from gum disease to trim away the damaged tissues and reduce the pockets between teeth. A gingivectomy may also remove gum tissue that is causing a “gummy” smile to improve the smile’s overall symmetry and tooth-to-gum ratio and to reduce excess tissue that is prone to infection. Sometimes a gingivectomy is used to gain access to more of a tooth in need of repair. Without excess soft tissues, a restoration like a dental crown can be securely and snuggly attached. Patients who complete this treatment experience improved dental function and better smile esthetics.

Is Gum Disease Affecting You?

How do I know if I have gum disease? Seeing Your dentist on a regular scheduled 6-month maintenance checkup will help keep an eye on your gums and check for any signs of gum disease. If you have gum disease, your dentist may recommend a gingivectomy procedure to prevent future gum damage as well as give your dentist easier access to the teeth for cleaning. Your dentist will recommend gingivectomy if you have gum recession from:

Gum diseases, like gingivitis
Bacterial infections
Gum injury

Fix Your Gum Problems

Schedule an appointment with us today.